Friday, April 10, 2009

Testify & Spread the Good Word of STL!

Corporate Wellness Solutions will soon be creating a new DVD presenting the Strength Through Length program to the world -- and we want to include you and your thoughts in that process!

The video will be a way to express what the STL program is, and just what makes it so special to all those people out there who don't yet know (which is quite a few folks). The plan is to use it for health fare displays, corporate promotions, and posts on YouTube, the blog, and other web sites.

At the end of the video, there will be a running list of testimonials from STL clients. We would love for you to contribute to that list with your thoughts about STL, so please send us any information on why you attend STL sessions, how the program has helped you with any health problems or injuries, what makes STL unique or, of course, why Lee so special!

Just post your thoughts as a comment to this blog post, along with your name, and we can collect the information that way. Or, if you prefer more privacy, email your thoughts to Lee at

Thanks in advance to all of you who make the time to do this! We really appreciate your carving out the extra minutes to share your thoughts on the program. Any other feedback beyond testimonials for the video is of course always more than welcome as well.

All testimonials must be submitted by Friday, May 1, 2009.

Thanks again! We will let you all know when the video is finished!

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