Friday, February 13, 2009

New STL Session 3!

2009 STL Session 3 starts Monday, February 16 through Thursday, March 19, 2009!

Session Focus: Introduction of blood pressure cuff
No, we’re not measuring blood pressure! We are starting the third session with simple tests to determine how much (or little) we are actually engaging our TVA (Transverse Abdominal muscle) while moving through our Fundamental exercise curriculum. Want an instant “data feed?" You’re gonna get it! So get excited, because you will soon have IMMEDIATE, REAL TIME awareness of where you are in relation to initiating all basic exercises when attempting to fire first, from the TVA. (Yes, it is exciting.)

In addition to blood pressure cuff work, we will be digging into Roll Ups - perfecting our strength and release in this challenging exercise - as well and introducing Rolling Like a Ball, Spine Stretch with Arm Circles and continuing our practice of both Single Leg Stretch, and modifications on Double Leg Stretch. Pilates rings will be utilized as the session progresses.

Fundamental Intermediate:
In addition to integrating Roll ups and Rolling Like a Ball, FI clients will be focusing on Open Leg Rocker, full Single Straight Leg and Double Straight Leg Stretch (we’ve been modifying these two exercises), Spine Stretch Forward, the Tree and (modified) Shoulder-Bridge Leg extensions.

All of the above will be covered in the Intermediate Thursday class, as well as Shoulder-Bridge leg extensions and the Saw.

Stretch Component All Levels:
More shoulder/chest opening, Spine twists, and inner thigh release

Ever work with colors when relaxing? Working with color and breath enhances our ability to transport ourselves into deeper realms of relaxation. Our guided visualizations will include color and light.


First class is free, so tell your friends to come check it out!

Location and Time:
STL Fundamental: Monday 5:00 - 6:00 pm (HS)
Wednesday 5:00 - 6:00 pm (HS)

STL Fundamental Intermediate: Tuesday 4:00 - 5:00 pm (HS)

STL Intermediate: Thursday 5:30 - 6:45 pm (Mecca Studio, soon to move so stay tuned for updates!)

Click below for directions:
HS - Home Studio

* Make-up classes will be held on Saturdays at 2:00 p.m., by RSVP only. There is a six person maximum for make up classes, so make sure to make an appointment in advance. If current students would like to use this time and space for an extra drop in session, they are welcome to do so, if the class is not filled. Locations for make-up classes will vary.

To enroll in the session or schedule a make-up class, contact Lee Vallely at:

Ph: 512.415.5078

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